Easy Way to Differentiate Franke Olympus Triflow from Filterflow
Here is our Easy Way to Differentiate Franke Olympus Triflow from Filterflow . You just need to look at the pictures below of the handles on the models.
The Franke Triflow has coloured dots, blue for cold, red for hot and green for filter on the top of each handle.
This Tap was discontinued in 2011 and replaced with the Olympus Filterflow Model. The Filterflow model has no coloured dots. Originally the handles were plain but later versions of this Filterflow Tap have the letters C for Cold, H for Hot and F for Filter etched on the top of the handles.

Franke Triflow Olympus Tap showing dots on handle with arrow

Franke Olympus Filterflow No dots. Plain or Etched
Here is the link to the genuine spare parts if you need to purchase any genuine replacement parts.
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If you email us details us we will advise you on the correct part for your Tap or you can use the Contact Button at the bottom right of your screen. If either of these options do not work for you, just send, via your phone, the pictures to sales@tapsandsinksonline.co.uk.
Other useful guides
Franke Olympus Triflow : Click Triflow Olympus Valve Change Guide“>here for the Triflow Olympus Valve Change Guide
Franke Olympus Filterflow : Click Filterflow Olympus Valve Change Guide“>here for the Filterflow Olympus Valve Change Guide