Bathroom Spare Parts

Unfortunately, we don’t stock or do Bathroom Taps or Bathroom Tap Spare Parts, so we have no expertise in this area. All we can do is recommend that you try and search online by the name of the brand, if you know it, or search under ‘Bathroom Spare Parts’ to find a website that supplies parts and they might be able to assist you.

Should you ever require a Kitchen Tap Spare Part then please do contact us as we have an extensive range of Genuine Spare Tap Parts, covering all the main UK brands and also select small / discontinued Brands as well. We are also doing a small range of compatible Kitchen Taps Parts, driven purely by customer needs where they cannot source parts from the original manufacturer.

Kitchen Tap Part ? Our Sales Team are there to help you:
Remember, you can contact us at any time using email or the Contact Button on the bottom left hand side on this page.  If you are unsure please email any pictures you have e.g Tap picture, together with any other relevant information e.g approx when you got your Tap (there are some  Kitchen Taps that were modified during the years of production and parts might have changed or you might need a valve with a larger seal and we can advise you on all of this.  If you know your Kitchen Tap but can’t find it on our website, or you can find it but the Part is yet to be listed, please contact us us as we don’t have every Genuine Tap Part up yet on our store. 

Posted in: Helpful Tips

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